Thursday, 10 May 2018

Scenario Ideas and Colonial Rescue

Of late, this blog has begun to resemble a marketing stream as the number of 'New Product Out No1!"' posts have overtaken the other content. That was never my intent when I created Whispers from the Other Verse and I apologise for the shift in focus. In my defence as a one-person operation, it is sometimes difficult to keep up with everything that you want to write and create. Paid content (i.e. the product I create and sell like the RPGs, scenarios and GM's maps) has been taking up the overwhelming majority of my work time of late but I very much would like to shift the focus of this blog back to being something a bit more exciting. Some free content and opinion pieces for readers. That's what I set this blog up to be in the first place and that is very much what I would like it to be again.

With that in mind, I am going to start posting some adventure ideas on this blog - along with other content. I am not going to tie myself down to a specific schedule just yet but I will be releasing several posts over the next few months which are ideas for GMs.

Some of these adventure outlines will be system agnostic - designed with no RPG rules systems in mind. Others will be set in the worlds of our games. Many of them are inspired by our GM's maps range but you don't need to use the corresponding product form that ranges if you would prefer to design the floor plan yourself. I will, however, put a link in each one to the product I based it on for those who would like to use it.

So, without further ado, here is the first of that adventure outlines, I hope you enjoy it.

Colonial Rescue
Genre: SF
Setting: A surface colony on an extraterrestrial body (A planet or moon).
Corresponding GM's Map Product: GM's Map #29 Modular Luna Station
You do not need to use our Modular Lunar station map if you prefer to use a map of your own devising or one that you already own by another designer. However, if you would like to use the map that inspired this idea you can find GM's Map #29 Modular Lunar Station for sale as a PDF and at a very reasonable price on RPGNow 
Suitable Rules: SF or Generic system

A civilian outpost on an extraterrestrial body has been hit by a disaster. The impact of a large meteorite or crashed space vessel has damaged the colony structure and may have caused local systemic or geological activity (Quakes or avalanches) which have further endangered the survivors. These survivors are now trapped in a badly damaged colony structure on a moon or a planet with a hostile atmosphere. They have been broadcasting a distress signal and need to be evacuated before their life support runs out of or the superstructure in the rest of the colony fails.

The PCs
Although the PCs could easily be any space-faring characters you wish, from traders to smugglers or a salvage operation who have picked up the distress signal and are responding to it in order to rescue the colonist, this scenario is particularly suited to PCs who are part of a dedicated rescue service. 

If you decide to go with the idea of the PCs belonging to a dedicated rescue service, they will be well equipped and skilled in dealing with the kind of threats that a rescue in space might throw at them, they are likely to be unskilled in combat of any form. This can either be used as a one-off, standalone session or it might form part of a long-term episodic campaign in which the party are members of an outer space rescue team.

This scenario lends itself well to some interesting environmental hazards such as fire, collapsing structures, toxic atmospheres and live electrical wires that have been damaged and come detached at one end. Compartments might also be flooding as the base's water supplies (or worse still, sewage tanks!) have been damaged and are causing a back wash into compartments in the colony.

In addition to having to deal with hazards – which pose a direct threat to the PCs themselves, the rescuers will face obstacles to success.
These include things like having to give medical treatment to injured colonists who may need to be stabilized before they can be moved, gaining entrance to the structure if its airlocks and docking hatches have been damaged, restoring power and so on. Characters may have to find ways to reach survivors who have become trapped in modules that have become isolated from the main base due to connecting modules having been destroyed or damaged. Flooding may cause an obstacle as well as a hazard. The rescuers may have to cut their way into modules without de-pressurising them. Casualties may be trapped under rubble or collapsed machinery. The applicabilities are wide and varied and the GM is encouraged to have fun with it. Have doors buckled so they won't open, power outages may force the rescuers to find imaginative ways to get into or out of compartments or may have other interesting effects.

Unusual Aspects
This scenario is designed to have absolutely no combat in it what so ever. The tension and conflict arise from the environmental dangers and the obstacles. For added tension, add a time limit (In game time) so the PCs are aware they are up against the clock.

Atmosphere and feel
The GM should try and build tension during play. The rescue is a delicate operation that must be completed before more of the survivors die. The PCs will face danger to themselves but will also have to contend with obstacles that obstruct the rescue. They should have to come up with plans on how to rescue the various pockets of survivors and how to overcome those obstacles in their way. As time goes on more survivors will be lost, or at least the players should feel that is a real risk. They will face no tradition conflict but should feel their lives are in danger at several points in play.

The feel you are aiming for is that of a disaster movie where the players should feel that one mistake on their part could cost a life – ether that of one of their team or of some survivors they are here to rescue.