Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Fear and Mental Stress

This section details a slight alteration to the fear test mechanic for earlier versions of our games.  This version will now be the cannon and will appear in all future Gethsemmane Games RPGs.

It is inevitable that your characters will encounter things which cause them fear, sooner or later. Whenever a character is confronted by a frightening or horrific creature, situation or event the character will need to make a “Fear Check”. A fear check is a type of WIP saving throw. The character must try to roll under his or her  usual (ie undamaged) WIP+Current WIP, on d%.

Fear Save = Undamaged WIP+Current WIP

If the character passes this roll, then (s)he has been able to fight down the terror and can continue to function normally. However, if the character rolls higher than their WIP, then (s)he will grow frightened and will suffer some WIP loss and some other effects. WIP points lost this way can be recovered normally.

When a character fails a WIP test, the amount that (s)he failed by is referred to as the “Fear Strength” Look up the  “Fear Strength” on the “Fright Chart” (located at the end of this section) to see what effect the character suffers as a result.

Fear Factors

Some creatures have a FF listed in their statistics. Other events or experiences may also have a FF at the GM's discretion.

 Whenever a character makes a Fear Check, the “Fear Factor” of the creature or event which caused the fear check should be applied as a penalty to the characters chance of passing the fear test.

Effects of WIP Loss

The loss of WIP can have a significant effect upon a character and the exact nature of this effect depends upon how much WIP the character has lost.

Frayed Nerves;- whenever a character loses 6 or more points of WIP in a single combat round his nerves become frayed. The character becomes easily upset, irritable and moody. These effects last until the character has a good nights sleep (8 or more hours) or until some one passing a “Psychology” roll spends half an hour soothing the characters nerves.

Temporary Insanity;- When a characters WIP falls to half their usual WIP or less then they go temporarily insane. The character gains a phobia, mental or emotional drawback which lasts until their WIP recovers to more than half their usual score.

Permanently Insane;- If the characters WIP ever drops to less than 10 the character gains a mental or emotional drawback permanently. (Unless a good psychologist can cure them at a later date). This drawback is not lost when the character regains their WIP.

Catatonic;- Should a characters WIP ever fall to 0 or less the character will become catatonic. A catatonic character is unable to act or even speak independently and becomes passive, as if they were a automation. This lasts until the characters WIP is restored to at least half of their usual level, at which point they become permanently insane (see above). In addition, the WIP of the catatonic character is permanently reduced by 1 point.

Final Fear Strength
Fear level
Effects on the character
0 (Zero) or less
IL is halved for 2 rounds. Lose 1 point of WIP
1 to 10
Character may take no offensive action this round and loses 2 points of WIP
11 to 20
Mildly frightened
Character may take no offensive action this round, IL is halved next round and loses 1-5 points of WIP
21 to 40
Character may take no offensive action this round, IL is halved next round and loses 1-10 points of WIP
41 - 60
Character may take no offensive action this round, IL is halved next round and loses 1-10 points of WIP. Suffers 5% to all skills for 1-5 rounds.
61 to 80
Character may take no offensive action this round, IL is halved next round and loses 2-20 points of WIP. Suffers –5% to all skills for 1-5 rounds
81 or more
Fear struck
The character loses 2-20 WIP and will either flee, faint, hide or vomit for 1-5 rounds depending on circumstances and the GM.

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