STOP right there, Dragon DROP villages have just landed, ROLL on over to To get the first one for just $1, but hurry! the offer only lasts until December the 15th.

Have you ever been halfway through a campaign and had to take an enforced break as your players decided to take a detour into a village that's just a name on a map in your adventure?
Or do you need a village as a base for your adventuring party, or just as a backdrop for them to visit?
Well, no more trying to think up and map an entire village – we have designed Dragon Drop Villages with exactly this situation in mind!
Simply take one of our range of villages, drag it over, and drop it in to your campaign notes! A ready-made village, with buildings, NPCs and even scenario ideas, all ready to be used. Just bolt on your gaming system, stat anyone you think might need it, and you're ready to go.
The village is described in detail, with each building on the beautiful full-colour map given its own entry. Who lives there, what they do, their personality and how they related to the other villagers. Not Only that but the economy, rumours and lie in the village are all explained and we include a section of adventure ideas as well.
Our first village is a small but important one, with a population of approximately 20 families, a tavern, smith, and a pawn shop which is ideal for adventurers looking to sell the strange items they have accumulated. All mapped out with full GM notes, the Farmer's Market Town is surrounded by crofts and farms and provides a regular market for the farmers to sell their produce, craftspeople and the forces of law and order in the shape of the Burgomaster, Sheriff and Bailiff.
Use THIS LINK before December 15th to get Dragon Drop Village #1: Farmer's Market Town for just $1
Use THIS LINK before December 15th to get Dragon Drop Village #1: Farmer's Market Town for just $1
The Dragon Drop Villages range is system neutral, designed to be used with whatever rules system you use.
Missed the $1 sale? Don't worry, you can still buy Farmer's Market Town for just $2 for another week before it goe's up to its full price. Just use THIS LINK to go directly to the products page on RPG.Now
Missed the $1 sale? Don't worry, you can still buy Farmer's Market Town for just $2 for another week before it goe's up to its full price. Just use THIS LINK to go directly to the products page on RPG.Now
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