Friday, 3 March 2017

Contributors Wanted

Do you have an adventure or an article that you think would be useful to other gamers and players of Gethsemane Games products and that you think is good enough to see print? Would you like to see it here on 'Whispers from the Other-Verse'?

We are looking for contributions from gamers and fans of our products that we can post to this blog for other fans to enjoy.

We are particularly interested in adventures for Haunts and Horrors, Spelldancer or Pandora's Wake but will also consider rules variants, systemless scenarios or articles on using our rules for other genres. Articles should be around 500 to 4000 words long but we will consider longer articles if you send us a query email with the idea and a writing sample first.

We are also interested in short stories, around 1000 to 4000 words in length that are set in any of the worlds of our games.

We can not pay you for these submissions and seek worldwide none exclusive publication rights. What that means is we are permitted to publish the submissions here on our blog but that doesn't stop you also submitting them to other publishers or self publishing them (minus, of course, any copyright material owned by us as part of our own publications).

If we see something that we particularly like and feel deserves full publication as a Gethsemane Games supplement via our publishing partners at Lulu or RPGnow etc. we will contact you to make you an offer for the rights to publish them as PDFs and printed books. You are not bound to accept that offer and if you refuse then we will revert to the original agreement of publishing it on this blog under a none exclusive right.

All submissions should be sent to and attached as a PDF or docx
Articles of less than 1000 words can be included in the body of the email if you prefer.
When submitting material please include the name, pen name or pseudonym that you would like me to use when the content is credited to you.

If you are including art work for any reason ensure that you own the rights to said artwork

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