Banks are a staple in heist movies and crime drama, and as such can make an interesting locale for an adventure. Perhaps the party are robbing the bank, or perhaps they are going about their business when the bank is held up at gunpoint. If the PCs are part of the law enforcement fraternity they may be called in to investigate a bank robbery or may be required to storm a bank after a robbery goes wrong and turns into an armed hostage situation.
GMs Map #11 should be out later this week and will depict a fairly large bank, but banks come in a wide range of shapes and sizes so we thought we would give you this small branch for free. We hope you like it.
1. Public Entrance
2. Lobby with Tellers
2a. Private Teller or ATM
3. Tellers
4. Private Rooms. Used when customers need to speak to an assistant.
5. Lower meeting room
6. Men's room
7. Women's room
8. Floor managers office
9. Floor managers private washroom
10. Lower general office
11. Lift to vaults
12. Secure fire escape
13. Main General office
14. Branch Managers office
15. Women's Room
16. Men's Room
17. Store room
18. Staff break room with galley kitchen
19. Upper meeting and conference room
20. Security room
21. Vault (Safe Deposit Boxes)
22. Vault (Cash)
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