Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Free Cave Map

I have been pottering about with some cave maps, trying out a few ideas before adding cave systems to our GM's maps range.

Caves can be challenging to map because they are irregular in shape to a much greater degree than most buildings.  Creating something that doesn't look too artificial can be harder than expected, especially if you do it by hand on squared paper as your natural tendency is to stick to the sides of the squares.  Hence I usually draw hem by hand on blank drawing paper.

I wanted to have a go at doing it in CC2 (yes yes, I know, I need to get around to upgrading to CC3 - well I plan to do so later in the year).

I'm quite happy with this for a first attempt so you can have it free to do with as you please (So long as you don't try and make money off it).

As usual with my maps you may include it in a product of your own so long as you credit me and include a line crediting Profantasy software and campaign cartographer 2.  The product must not be a collection of maps and you must add your own content.

I will be releasing more caves as part of the GM's maps line in the near future but those will be larger complexes of caves than this small example.

Suggested Partial Key
1/. Cave mouth, the river flows out of the cave hear  but the cave is large enough to sail in on a small boat or walk in on the river bank.  The cave floor here is covered in pebbles and silt.
2/. Submerged passage.  The passage here is totally submerged, the river flows into the mapped area from the west and other caves beyond - how long the submerged passage is remains a matter for the GM
3/. Semi-submerged passages. These passages are submerged for the most part, but occasionally the ceiling is high enough to allow swimmers up for air.
4/. Submerged grotto
5/. Semi submerged grotto
6/. Partially flooded chamber. Although the floor of this room is underwater there is at least as much room above the waters surface as beneath it.
7/. Light water fall.  Water drizzles into this room form above. The effect is that of a curtain of water rather than a solid fall as it forces it's way in form cracks in the rock above.
8/. and 9/. Submerged dead ends

SQ A "Squeeze A" is narrow and only characters that are small enough will be able to navigate it.
SQ B "Squeeze B" is narrow and only characters that are small enough will be able to navigate it.

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