Cavern Creeper
STR 25-55
SIZ 10-30
AGL 30-70
PER 25-70
LUC 10-30
WIP 10-20
Armour;- 10 point body and head, 5 point legs,
Attacks;- Mandibles 50-85% KP; 29 + Poison
Kick 35-65% KP; 17
Web 25-55% Entangle with STR= to animals STR.
Skills ;- Stealth 55-75%, Climb 70-98%, Swim 25-45%, Hunting 50-75%
Tracking 45-85%
Description;- These giant arachnids can grow to the size of a fairly large man. Their bodies are large and covered in thick, leathery hide and course hair which is mottled in shades of browns, providing camouflage against the stone of the caves it most commonly lives in. The creatures head, such as it is, consists of a cluster of 8 eyes, and a mouth flanked by a large set of mandibles, all set directly on the front of the creatures body.
Habitat;- Cavern creepers, as the name suggest, dwell in caves and caverns, although they emerge at night to hunt. They are commonly found in D’grathia and Eroon, although there are legends of creatures that seem very similar, told amongst the people of the western isles.
Behaviour;- Aggressive and territorial carnivores, Cavern Creepers lair in caves but emerge at night to hunt. However, they are opportunistic and will happily attack anything that enters their lair.
Cavern Creepers tend to live solitary lives, only coming together to mate about once every other year. During this mating season the males can travel hundreds of miles in an attempt to find a mate. The females will lay a clutch of up to 50 eggs.
Cavern Creeper young emerge from the egg sack fully formed, although quite small, and are capable of supporting themselves. Hatching time turns into a macabre feeding frenzy as the animals are cannibals and they will attack their own siblings. Generally only 10% survive, and they leave the lair to find another home for themselves.
Because of their life cycle and cannibalistic nature, the population of these creatures is kept quite low, and they seem constantly in danger of extinction, although they always seem to muddle through.
Special notes;- The bite of a Cavern Creeper injects a potent paralytic poison with a 75% attack and a POT equal to the animals SIZ. The poison takes 1-5 CR to take effect.
Result Effect
W The toxin has no effect on the victim
L The toxin causes sluggishness in the victim for a period of 1-10 hours. The victims AGL and IL fall to one half their usual level during this time.
M The toxin causes intense sluggishness in the victim for a period of 2-20 hours. The victims AGL and IL fall to one half their usual level during this time.
H The toxin causes the victim to become completely immobile for the period of 1-5 hours. During this time the victim is conscious but unable to move any muscle.
S The toxin causes the victim to become completely immobile for the period of 1-10 hours. During this time the victim is conscious but unable to move any muscle.
C The toxin causes the victim to become completely immobile for the period of 2-20 hours. During this time the victim is conscious but unable to move any muscle.
F The toxin causes the victim to become permanently paralyzed unless an anti-venom or magical cure can be found.
The creatures can launch a highly adhesive web strand from its spinnerets at a victim. The spinnerets are located in the creatures hind quarters, and to fire the strand at a victim the creature must rise up and curl its hind quarters under its body, squirting the web from between its legs which are at full stretch. This leaves the creature vulnerable, so it prefers not to make the attack until most or all of its foes are incapacitated.
Hit Locations;-
Roll Location
81-00 Head
51-80 Abdomen
41-50 Front left leg
31-40 Front right leg
26-30 Middle front left leg
21-25 Middle front right leg
16-20 Middle rear left leg
11-15 Middle rear right leg
5-10 Rear left leg
1-5 Rear right leg
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