Saturday, 24 February 2018

Update and News.

Two items of news for you all today.

The first is an update on Ekanath, my cat.  Thanks to everyone who bought products in the Ekanath benefit sale or donated money to his blog or GoFundMe page.  Ekanath is a lot better than he was but is still poorly.  He is an inpatient at the vets for the second week now (Moving into a 3rd on Monday) where they are draining his chest daily.  Although he has responded well to the antibiotics there is still fluid in his chest and until they can reduce that to almost zero they do not want to discharge him home again.  We are all terribly worried about him.

Customers who are on our DriveThruRPG, RPGNow or WargamesVault mailing lists usually receive an email update whenever we release a new product.  Currently, there is an issue with the OBS mailing system which handles these emails and no one is receiving them.  Similarly, we are not receiving sales notifications or any other notifications we would usually receive through these sites.

This has had quite an impact on us as a small indie company.  90% of our sales come from previous customers responding to these emails.  We will continue to update customers about new releases here, but if you usually rely on getting an email via one of the above-mentioned sites (or any other One Book Shelf operated site) then please keep an eye on this blog for updates until this issue is resolved.

If you send us a question via any of our product pages on any of those sites we will not be informed about it via email and hence will probably not know.  Please email any questions directly to us at

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

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