Friday, 30 November 2018

Assault on Kar-Duin

The Following Scenario was designed for our FoE Fantasy wargame rules but can be used with any set of fantasy miniature rules you like.  The Background assumes that the battle is set during one of the 'Mage Wars' of Elizium, but again there is no reason why you can't adjust that if you wish, it will have no effect on the game itself.

As the Forces of the demon Magog prepare to lay siege to the mighty fortress of Durn-Garan their encampments and supply lines are repeatedly harried by the allied forces who are slipping out of sally ports hidden all across the mountains.

Frustrated Magog has ordered a strike against the hill fort at Kar-Duin which protects one of the Durn-Garan sally ports. Realising that their best chance is to assault the position under cover of darkness the forces of Magog send a Goblin force to try and scale the walls at night and open the gates for a much larger follow-up force to enter the following day.

The Goblins, under Unterwalpurg Grom, are to assault the fortress, scale the walls, open the gates and hold the position against all comers until reinforced the following day.

Early reports suggest that the hill fort of Kar-Duin is only lightly defended by a small force of Dwarves, and if the Goblins can reach the walls before being detected they should be able to skip over and capture the gatehouse with minimal losses.

The risk is that the defenders may be reinforced by alliance troops through the sally port which leads into Durn-Garan.

Suggested Forces
1 Unit of Dwarf Axemen (Regulars) with medium armour and shield
2 Unit's of Dwarf Crossbows (Regulars) Light or medium armour
3 Ballistae with Dwarf Crew Clothing or light armour
Garrison Commander Ather Black beard (Potential Hero) in Medium or heavy armour with shield and axe
Every round after the first roll a d10.  On a 10 an additional unit of Dwarf infantry or crossbows arrives via the sally port.

3 Units of Goblin Archers/Skirmishers Skyclad or clothing, Shortbows and daggers, ropes and grappling hooks
3 Units of Goblin light infantry with shields, spears and clothing, siege ladders (1 per 5 models)
2 units of Goblin Light Infantry Skyclad or clothing only with Swords and shields Ropes and Grappling hooks
1 Goblin Battle Witch (Lesser Hero) with Minor Arcanum 6
1 Goblin UnterWalperg (Lesser Hero) with sword, shield and medium armour.


A - Sallyport
B - Gatehouse
C - Bastion
D - Goblin Table Edge

At the rear of the table is the cliff face containing the sally port to Durn-Garan (A). This is protected by a sturdy stone tower (C) on a promontory which has a good field of fire over both the sally port and the gatehouse (B).

The sally port is protected by a sturdy gatehouse (B) which has been constructed in a natural defile between two cliffs.  A courtyard is formed between the gatehouse and its cliffs on one side, and the cliffs containing the sally port behind.

The Gatehouse
The Gate (Medium Construction): DV 6 HITS: 3
Gatehouse (Medium Construction) DV 6 HITS: 3
The gatehouse walls are topped by  crenelations which provide defenders with 'Heavy Cover'
The Gatehouse walls are TN 15 to climb

Medium Construction DV 6 HITS 3 TN 15 to climb

The Cliffs are easier to climb than the gatehouse wall, but are still treacherous and have a TN 10

The rocky promontory upon which the tower/bastion stands is TN 10 to climb

The rest of the table is littered with rocky outcroppings, hills and stones. A clear field of fire/killing zone exists in-front of the walls which the dwarves cleared long ago. This reaches 50 GSU from the wall and is intended to prevent exactly the sort of stealth attack that the Goblins are hoping to mount.

The Dwarves ay deploy anywhere between the gatehouse and the sally port, on the top of the cliffs, in the gatehouse or on the bastion.

The Goblins deploy on the table up to one walking move from table edge D.

Your forces must take and hold the gatehouse and bastion, holding it against all comers until you are reinforced the following day. To this end, you have been sent with a force primarily consisting of light, fast-moving troops that can approach relatively quietly, and a small holding force in your rear that should be brought up once the alarm is raised.

You must either repulse the Goblin attack or, failing that, re-capture the bastion and gatehouse when reinforced via the sally port.

Battlefield Conditions
Unterwalperg (under war-chief) Grom is fully aware that his forces see better in the dark than do the alliance forces. As a consequence, he has chosen to attack under the cover of darkness in the hopes of maximising the chances of getting to the wall before the defenders spot the sneak attack.

The Dwarves, therefore, suffer the effects of 'Poor Visibility' while the Goblins do not.

This scenario was originally written for our FoE Fantasy Battle rules, releases on November 30th 2018.  You can purchase FoE as a PDF for $10 HERE

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