Tuesday, 9 May 2017

2 New Titles in the GM's Maps Range!

I have added two new maps to our GM's maps range.  All items in this range are now available for publishers to use in their own products subject tot he Publishers Licence:

Publisher's Licence
Publishers, you are granted a licence to use the map in this product in your own adventures or supplement providing that you add your own content and do not re-sell this product as or as part of a product that is intended exclusively as a map or collection of maps.
If you do use this map in your product you must include in the credits 'Some maps by B F Irving,© Gethsemane Games 2017 using Campaign Cartographer 2'

Caves, natural spaces underground, have long provided shelter to animals and early humans. In fantasy games, they can make excellent natural dungeons to populate with a range of monsters and other hazards. In post-apocalyptic games, they may once again become a shelter for desperate survivors.
The caves represented in this map pack are reasonably extensive however I've left plenty of potential to expand them still further!
This map set includes the upper caves, 3 pages of middle-level caves and lower caves, for 5 maps in all making up one interlocking cave system with over 100 locations of interest.
Historically caves have also been used as criminal hideouts, cult temples, places of burial and so forth. Any of these could also be useful in your games.


Map-making can be time-consuming and sometimes frustrating for GMs, especially GMs with limited time to begin with. In our new 'GM's Maps' range, we will be providing a range of pre-made maps for you to use in your games.
Death comes to us all, they say. It is only natural then that it would occupy so much of humanities imagination. Through all historical epochs, we have been in turns afraid of and fascinated by death. Death cults and religions that grow up around the idea of what happens to us when we die or thereafter, are common enough in our history. It is likely, therefore, that they would be common in fantasy societies as well. If anything they may well be far more common in fantasy societies where the undead are known to be a real threat and where the acts of Gods and Demigods may be seen.

The mortuary temple presented here is based very loosely on a number of ancient sites that served a similar purpose but is not directly based on any one of them. It is ideal for fantasy worlds or even for the ruins of some alien civilisation in an SF game. Perhaps it is a construction by some post-apocalyptic death cult that has grown up out of the ruins of a civilisation lost to an apocalyptic event.

In a horror RPG, perhaps it is a site of archaeological interest.

As GM take the idea and run with it wherever your imagination takes you.
This product can be paired up with “GM's Map #9 Catacombs”, simply have the stairs at area #49 of this product be the stairs at area #1 of “GM's Map #9, Catacombs” for a rather extensive catacombs complex.


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