Aka Efrit. Ifrit, Jan
A type of Djinn in Arabic folklore noted for their strength and cunning.
In their native form the Efreet are enormous winged creature of a vaguely human form but composed entirely of fire. These creatures can be either male or female in appearance.
The Efreet can be found haunting ruins or underground places but according to folklore they may band into tribal societies with social stratification akin to the early Arab tribal societies.
Although their nature is that of fire, making them wild and destructive by nature they also have a strange tendency to seek revenge against murdered when a murder occurs near them or the body is disposed of near them. In this instance the Efrit gains the ability to assume the physical appearance of the victim. Driving an iron nail into the spreading blood or the blood stain of the fatal wound of the murder victim will prevent the Efreet from gaining the ability to take the victims form or from making revenge for the murder.
Efreet can also assume the forms of scorpions or jackals.
When in the form of a jackal, scorpion or murder victim hat form may be harmed by natural means of normal weapons, however this does not harm the Efreet itself which will reform infinite native form within an hour or so.
The djinns natural form is immune to normal weapons or harm but is vulnerable to magic.
The Efreet were spoken of in Islamic mythology and Arabic foklore gut many occult students believe they were also known to the ancient Persians.
According to Egyptian folklore the Efreet were spirits of the desert and could assume the form of a whirlwind. The Egyptians believed these creatures were servants of Set.
Although common in Islamic folklore and even mentioned in the Quran and other Islamic scriptures, Efreet are thought to have been known to both the ancient Egyptians and he ancient Persians.
Burning Man Form
STR 75- 90
SIZ 60-85
AGL 15-55
PER 25-55
WIP 50-80
LUC 10-40
Scorpion Form
HP; 5
BI; 9
Armour; 1 point
Nip; 42% KPA; -0- Maximum Injury Level (Mil); Superficial
Sting; 70% KPA -0- Maximum Injury Level (Mil); Superficial Special; Poison.
The “Scorpion's” poison is a potent neurotoxin with an attack of 75 and a POT of 25 which has the following effects.
The victim feels dizzy for 1d10 hours.
As W plus the victim looses 1-5 HP
The victim suffers 1-10 HP damage and becomes sick and dizzy for 2d10 hours
As M, plus the victim is left weak (-1 STR -1 AGL) for 1-5 days.
Victim loses 2d10 HP, lapses into unconsciousness for 1d10 hours and then suffers dizziness, sickness and weakness as in M
As S but the unconsciousness lasts 2d10 hours.
Victim lapses into a coma for 1-5 days.
Jakal Form
STR 30
SIZ 25
AGL 45
PER 40
WIP 40
LUC 20
HF 10/15*
Bite 65% KPA 10 Worrying on subsequent rounds
* As a Jackal the Efreet's Horror Factor is 10 if anyone realises that they are actually fighting an Efreet, or believes it to be some other form of shape-shifting supernatural being, then the HF rises to 15.
Preternatural Abilities (Attack at 80% when used offensively)
Burning Touch Range;- Self Area of effect;- Self Duration;- 1 CR per point of the users WIP Initiative penalty;- -1I
Flight Range;-Self Area of effect;- Self Duration;- 1 minute per point of the users WIP Initiative penalty;- -2IL
Invisibility Range;- Self Area of effect;- Self Duration;- 1 min per point of the users WIP. Initiative penalty;--3 IL
Locate Range;- No limit Area of effect; N/A Duration;- Instant Initiative penalty;- N/A
Polymorph (limited) (Jackal, Scorpion, or Murder Victim) Range;-Self Area of effect;-Self Duration;-Unlimited Initiative penalty;--3 I (limited) Range;-Self Area of effect;-Self Duration;-Unlimited Initiative penalty;--3 IL
Phantom Sound Range;-1 meter per point of the users WIP Area of effect;- 1 meter per point of the users WIP Duration;- 5 CR or more Initiative penalty;- N/A
Phantasm Range;- 1 meter per point of the users WIP Area of effect;- 1 meter per point of the users WIP Duration;- As long as the creature continues to concentrate. Initiative penalty;- -1 IL
Summon Wind Range;- 1 meter per point of the users WIP Area of effect;-1 meter per point of the users WIP Duration;- 1 min per point of the users WIP Initiative penalty;- - 2 IL
Psychokinesis (New) Range 10 meters, Area of Effect, 2 Meters, Duration 1 Min per point of the users WIP, Initiative Penalty Nil
Other Abilities
Efreet are immune to normal harm or weapons but are vulnerable to magic. Their manifest forms of Jackal or Scorpion can be harmed by normal weapons but when destroyed, this has no effect on the Efreet itself other than forcing it to turn into a cloud of sand propelled by a whirlwind which then vanishes into the desert for 1d10 hours before the creature returns to normal.
Efreet also have a strange affinity with murder victims, the cause of this is unknown, however is a person is murdered within a mile of them, or the body of a murder victim is disposed of within a mile of he creature, it becomes determined to seek revenge for the murder. The Efreet gains the ability to 'Polymorph (limited) into the image of the victim and will be able to 'Locate' all those involved in or responsible for the victim's murder. I twill become obsessed with trying to avenge the victim.
The only way to prevent this is to drive an iron nail through the blood stain or pool of fresh blood that came form the fatal wound. Doing so severs this connection and the Efreet can no longer assume the victims form, use 'Locate' upon the killers, nor will it be determined to seek revenge for the murder.
In it's native form the Efreet appears as a huge humanoid column of fire with bat shaped wings of flame.
Humans that touch or are touched by an Efreet suffer the effects of a 'Burning Touch'.
Special Note
When an Efreet is nearby (within 10 meters) flames begin to act oddly, they dance wildly, change colour or seem to bend and drift against the wind.
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