Sunday, 14 May 2017

(Haunts and Horrors) New Creature! Adjule

Type: Independent Things
Among the Tuareg people of the Sahara Desert region in North Africa there are legends of strange canine beings. These creatures, variously known to the Arabs and the Tuareg nomads as Adjules or occasional Kelb-el-khela.

Adjules hunt in packs and are believed by some to have the ability to sew discord among local populations in order to make prey easier to hunt. Some students of folklore insist Adjules do not hunt humans, while others disagree.

Adjules are extremely rare and tend to be found in and around the Sahara desert especially near Mauritania, the majority of sightings are dismissed as African Wild Dogs, and they do bear a striking resemblance to them form a distance. When seen up close however the creature's unatural nature becomes more common. The patterns on an Adjules fur seem to shift slightly and disconcertingly as one watches while its eyes seem to be windows into dark and terrifying realms beyond our reality.
STR; 25-35
SIZ; 10-35
AGL; 20-50
PER; 30-50
LUC; 25-40
WIP; 30-45
Attacks: Bite 60% or more KPA 18 Worrying
Armour: None
Preternatural Abilities
Emotional Projection Range;- line of sight Area of effect;- 1 person Duration;- 1 minute per point of the users WIP Initiative penalty;- -3 IL
Psychic Drain Psychic Drain Range;- 3 meters Area of effect;- 1 person Duration;- Instant. Initiative penalty;- -2IL
Translocation Range;- 1 meter per point of the users WIP Area of effect;- Self Duration;- Instant Initiative penalty;-N/A
Other Abilities
Adjules can regenerate, recovering 1d10 lost HP each round. Also once each round the most severe wound they have will reduce by one step. This can result in broken or destroyed limbs functioning again.
This ability stops once they Adjule is dead.

Adjules are susceptible to magic and psychic attack as well as normal weapons and injuries. They do not suffer from extremes of cold or heat.

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