What sinister experiments are taking place in the secret laboratories deep beneath the ground?
What secrets lurk there that could save or damn mankind?
This map pack details a 4-storey secret laboratory complex with security, accommodation and several labs in which various nefarious experiments can take place.
Or perhaps the laboratories are humanities last best hope to stave off global disaster?
Whatever is going on down there, one thing is for certain, someone else wants to know about it.
Since the enlightenment humanity has had a love hate relationship with science. It has driven our culture and our development, expanded our knowledge, extended our lie expectancy, eradicated certain diseases, improved our ability to fight other diseases. It has given us modes of transport and communication that have effectively shrunk our world. The knowledge we have gained has revolutionized every aspect of our lives. Yet, from the early days many have also viewed it with suspicion. From those who saw it as a challenge to religion or a blasphemy against god to the Luddites who saw the rise of industrialization as a threat to their livelihood. Much of our science fiction, even from the early days of the genre, has warned of the dangers of meddling in things we do not entirely understand or which may be dangerous and mysterious. Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' (which itself is in part inspired by a far older story, as evidenced by its subtitle 'A modern Prometheus') is a famous example but our literature is littered with examples. The American sci-fi of he 50s cautioned us against robotics and atomic physics (just listen to old episodes of classic radio drama such as X Minus one or Dimension X for examples).
Our horror and post-apocalyptic literature are also littered with examples of the science run amok theme.
It isn't all negative, of course, in superhero literature scientists are often the villains but are also often the heroes or the cause of how a hero comes to be. In many SF or disaster tales, it is a band of plucky scientists working around the clock in a secret laboratory that are often depicted as humanities only hope of survival.
With these things in mind, the potential for a secret laboratory complex in RPGs is staggering.
The PCs may represent the secessionist, trying desperately to hold back some global disaster or simply trying to escape the facility as some menacing alien dimension rips its way into our world it the theoretical physics laboratory (one for the 'Pandora's Wake' players among you, perhaps?).
They may be a band of covert operations specialists tasked with raiding the laboratory and learning its secrets for a rival government or corporation.
Perhaps they are escapees who had been held here, destined for a ghastly fate as experimental subjects?
Let your imagination run riot.
If you come up with a particularly interesting idea for how to use this map, we would love to hear about it! You can email us at gethsemanegames@gmail.com and let us know. If you give us permission, we might even publish the idea on our blog 'Whispers from the Other-Verse', giving you the credit of course.
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